Aung Moe Tun and Khin Hnaung Nge.


No.321, 11th Street, No.1 Quarter, Mayangone Township,
Near Bayint-Naung Junction, Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone: 09421049271.


"Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together" (Psalms 34:3).


Yours in Christ,

Aung Moe Tun

My Wife and I

My Wife and I


September 07, 2008 at Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary


There are young people from Myanmar who are studying the Word of God in different Seminaries in the Philippines. Most of them have no sponsors and they are facing financial problem. However, they never give up. They continue doing the best for the LORD. They all have a great burden for Myanmar people to receive the Salvation of God. They also have the visions to build and extend the kingdom God by their different gifts according to God has given them. They are not only pursuing to receive a higher academic degree, but also they are actively involving in the various ministries. Since 1987, Myanmar students have been meeting in houses for prayer and fellowship. They have Philippines Myanmar Christian Fellowship in Manila and Baguio Cities.

I had an opportunity to visit Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary in Baguio City where most of the Myanmar students are studying the Word of God. This school is one the best Bible Seminaries in Baguio City. In that Seminary, I had an opportunity to fellowship with Myanmar students. Most of them are friends of mine. They came from different denominations, but they have no prejudice on other denominations. They are sharing their experiences, difficulties, problems, hardships and blessings to each other. They have a regular worship on every Sunday. They are doing the best for the LORD as much as they can. Let's we encourage them by praying and supporting finance. I really thank God for their willingness and commitment to serve the LORD. I hope, one day they all will become the servants of God in Myanmar. I am sure that one day, they will become great leaders who pass on to the Gospel message to the next generation.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rev. U Myo Chit's Sermon

Rev. U Myo Chit's Sermon





Text Box: Text Box:

1. Plant Churches

I have a vision to expand Evangelism based on the local Church according to the will of God. Especially, I have a burden for Myanmar People to receive the Salvation through Jesus Christ. The Union of Myanmar is one of the strongest Buddhist countries in Southeast Asia. Myanmar is often referred to as the land of Pagodas because on every hill or mountain, in the cities or towns or villages, pagodas have been built by the pious Myanmar Buddhists. The main major religions in the country are Buddhism (82.90%), Christianity (8.7%), Islam (3.8%), Chinese (ancestor worshippers) (3%), traditional ethnic religions or other (0.4%) (Johnstone and Mandryk 2001:462). I have also a vision to plant Churches where there is no Christians Churches according to what Jesus said, “I will built my Church.”

2. Train Young People for the Ministry.

I feel God is calling me to do youth ministry. I have a vision to bring juvenile delinquents to Christ and I have also a vision to build up and equip the young people in my Church to grow physically, spiritually, and mentally in their lives.

3. Open a Library for Young People to improve their knowledge and wisdom in both secular and spiritual areas.


I had an opportunity to go back to Myanmar during my summer holidays as God provided my travel fees. It was a good time to fellowship with my wife, my relatives, my friends, and my church members. I had an opportunity to teach the young peoples at Summer Thingyan Camp which conducted by my church during April 11 to17, 2008. I had also an opportunity to preach at Hlaing Thar Yar AG church, Word of Hope AG church and my church. This summer break was a great blessing for me and also my wife, my relatives, my co-workers and my church members. During that time, I had also completed my summer course of Exegesis of Ruth. I really thank God for giving me such a wonderful blessings.





Friends from Manila

My Birthday, August 01,2008

My M.A in Ministry

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics at


1. Finish well my M. Div by September, 2008.
2. Visit to Singapore when going back to Myanmar
3. My Future Ministry

After Cyclone Nagis

Cyclone Nagis

Cyclone Nagis

Violent Cyclone Nagis Hit in in Myanmar

Violent Cyclone Nagis hit in in Myanmar

MAY 03,2008

Most people in Yangon did not believe the weather forecast news about Cyclone because they had no experience on it. They only saw and knew concerning the violent storm in TV, movies, photos and news papers. Before the cyclone, the government TV was announced the weather news. However, everybody did not think that cyclone would be strong. They thought it is just a blowing wind. Consequently, there were severely damaged in Two divisions and Three States in Myanmar after the cyclone. Nearly 20 millions people experienced the difficult situations in their lives. Even though, the cyclone hit only 12 hours, the devastation was so big in the cyclone effected areas. After the cyclone, every view points in that areas were totally changed. So many people were missing, many people were died, many tree were blocked the houses and roads, many houses were became roofless and even the advertisement sign boards were fell down.

Historically, this cyclone was very strong in Myanmar over100 years . Approximately over 70,000 people were died and over 1.5 millions people in Irrayawady Division have urgently needed shelters, foods, clothes, and clean water.
Half of my church, and our four stores multipurpose building's roofs with beams were flew away by Cyclone Nagis. Over 20 churches under our denomination in the cyclone effected areas were almost totally destroyed by it. Now, we are helping those churches by praying, encouraging, and supporting finances.

Please pray for our relief and development program and reconstruction of the collapsed churches in the cyclone effected areas. Thank you very much for your prayer and partnership for this mission projects.

My Testimony and Vision for My Future Ministry

My Testimony and Vision for My Future Ministry

I was born on the 1st of August, 1971 in Yangon, Myanmar. Since my parents and all my close relative were Buddhists, I was raised in Buddhist family. In 1981, my father and mother accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through the ministry of an evangelist. When my parents became Christians, we, all the children, also joined them in attending Church on Sunday morning. However, I had not had an assurance of Salvation until I was 15 year old.

In 1985, the unexpected dead of my father in his immature age brought a financial crisis to our family. Furthermore, because of being Christian, we also experienced rejection from all of our close relatives. In the midst of those hardships, our house was bunt down when the fire broke out in our quarter. The fire consumed everything we had in our house including all my text books. It was the time I was about to take the Eight Standard Examination. At that time, I prayed to my Lord, Jesus, “Help me Oh! God, if you are alive, answer my prayer so that I may pass this exam with distinction.” God answered my prayer and I passed the exam with mathematics distinction. I saw what the Lord had done for me, I began to realize that Jesus Christ is a true God. At that moment, I knelt down and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.

After our house was bunt down, we took refuge in our intimate friends’ houses. My mother, sister and youngest brother took refuge in one house, my younger brother took refuge in another house and I took refuge in my Pastor’s house. Since we had no other help, we had to trust in God alone for our survival. God miraculously provided all our needs.

In 1989, I heard the calling of God to become a minister and I went to Evangel Bible Institute in Myitkyina to be equipped for my future ministry. After finishing my diploma in Theology courses I served as an associate pastor at Evangel Church, Gyogon. I also served as a treasurer of No.1, Yangon Section that is under D.C.3 from 1996 to 1998. Then I was elected as a treasurer of D.C.3 from 1999 to 2007. While ministering at Evangel Church, Gyogon, I had the opportunity to do my Bachelor of Science and M.A in Ministry. After finishing my M.A, and having served at the Church for 15 years, my General Council endorsed me to continue my M.Div. in Asia Pacific Theological Seminary so that I may be equipped to become more effective in my future ministry. Upon completion of my M.Div., I plan to return to Myanmar, and to plant Churches in Buddhist areas. I also have a plan to train young people for the ministry.

Your faithful prayer and partnership for my future ministry is deeply appreciated.

Thank you very much.

May the Lord richly bless you all!!!

Rev. Myo Chit and Myanmar Students

My Wife and I